Sunday, January 13, 2008


Visit Reu's parents today. Went over to hand a medal that was given to the nteam during the Standard Charted Marathon. His mom say he loved to collect medals and we went to see his room that we always play his ps3 and even watch anime in. Thought the incident has passed fer so long and he has left us fer so long. But when we went to his house today, really brought back a lot of memories. I really miss the days where we played his ps3 while we wait fer him to cut our hair.Those times will always stay deep in my memories.

At Reu's House

Rush down to Yvonne's house after that. Kai Shuo almost spoil the whole surprise by calling her. Nevertheless, we still manage to surprise her. Got quite a shocked when she suddenly cried. Haha. Overall, guess the surprise party really turned out fine. The food was also veri nice. Sang a lot of Bday songs and the cake was veri delicious. It mus be a really memorable day fer her. Really wish my Bday would be like this.

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