Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Today is a BAD day. Totally crazy. Insane to be exact. 5 lectures, 2 tutorials and 1 practical. It is a mind draining day. Before the last lesson even started, the whole class was dragging their feet like mindless zombies to the phy lab. The onli survival of the whole thing was our phy teacher. HE was like the main character in I AM LEGEND, tryin to save the 'World'.

As expected, i could predict how things r turning out to be in NYJC. Luckily i escaped the grasp of being an athlete in the sch tt will nv be recognised. So much fer training beyond the limits fer the sch. I guess one day, all sports athletes will disappear and all tt is left will jus be another Arts sch. Haix. Really let's ppl think where the effort is gg.

I really need a NEW time table. One with more breaks or early dissmal.

1 comment:

Greg Chris said...

One box sucks. It gave my customer busy and fast busy upon dialing. So I call their tech support and put on hold for 20 minutes, then the issue went away and they said they didn't see the problem and will "monitor" it for 30 minutes. I don't know if any commercial grade computer system will survive by "monitoring" only when there is a problem. The purpose of monitoring is knowing the problem before your customers call you, right? Onebox One Box sucks!